Our Story
The Cigar Factory was constructed in 1881 as a cotton manufacturing facility with the latest technological advances of the day, such as electricity, steam heat and a fire safety system. After surviving the devastating Earthquake of 1886, the Cigar Factory changed hands and was leased in 1903 to the American Cigar Company, producer of famous RoiTan and Certified Creamo cigars.
During the darkest days of the Great Depression the Cigar Factory was one of the few civilian workplaces that provided secure employment for a full day's wages. Cigars were produced in the building for 70 years and at its high point, 1.5 million cigars rolled out of the factory each day.
The building later began converting to office and warehouse space, and over the next decade, as the owners struggled to find the right use for the building. In 1980 the Cigar Factory was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and shortly thereafter, they welcomed Johnson and Wales, the famed culinary school, which became the largest tenant.
News & Press
Mercantile and Mash
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2015 Carolopolis Award
The Preservation Society of Charleston
Preservation’s Best of 2015